Monday 2 August 2010

Book Review - The Poisoned House by Michael Ford

The Poisoned House by Michael Ford (buy me)

Abigail is a maidservant in Greave Hall, an elegant London household governed by the tyrannical housekeeper, Mrs Cotton. Whilst the widowed master slips slowly into madness, Mrs Cotton gradually usurps the position of gentlewoman of the house. She wears his dead wife's jewellery and clothes, entertains guests as though the house is her own and reserves her most despotic treatment for Abi. In the dead of night, Abi makes a desperate bid for freedom, but is soon captured and returned to Greave Hall. As Mrs Cotton's malice intensifies, a ghostly presence distracts Abi with clues to a deadly secret. And Abi now realises that she can trust no one in the house.

My Review.
I am sensing a turn in tides in the world of books as Ghosts get there umph back! Michael Ford writes a gripping novel that is so simply written you breeze your way through every crack and nook of Greave Hall without a worry in the world...that is until he gets to the nit and grit that turns the book upside down and tries to shake out all the bolts and screws.
The Poisoned House is full of mystery and Abi takes us on a journey to uncover the truth behind it..... I constantly sympathised with her and admired how her strength grew along the way while everyone she thought she could trust she no longer could,Abi is a well thought out character along with the others they suit there roles perfectly.
 If I ever thought I wouldn't like this book I bite my tongue until it bleeds and apologise....not only is it brilliant and well thought out but it is full of secrets not once giving too much away and leaves the imagination with many possibilities. Reading the book in less then 4 hours is a sign of the ease and enjoyment I was able to read The Poisoned House......
I recommend it for all and better still its released TODAY so go get your copy now!!
Happy Reading all xx


  1. Very nice review and a huge congradulations for picking up a book outside your comfort leve.

  2. Great Review!! I can't wait to pick up a copy of this.

  3. Great review, I got sent this while I was away, looking forward to it even more now!


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